2004, Number 4
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2004; 78 (4)
Coristomas epibulbares. Características clinicopatológicas
Alarcón-Henao T, Bernal-Uruchurtu G, Salcedo-Casillas G, Gómez-Leal A, Rodríguez-Reyes AA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 182-187
PDF size: 512.19 Kb.
Objective: To determine the main clinical and histopathologic features of the epibulbar choristomas in a Mexican population.
Material and methods: Retrospective review of cases with clinical and histopathologic diagnosis of epibulbar choristomas (dermolipoma, limbic dermoid, complex choristoma and epibulbar osseous choristoma) from January 1957 to August 2002.
Results: Of 188 patients with diagnosis of epibulbar choristomas histopathologically confirmed, only 145 were included in the current study.100 dermolipomas were found, 29 dermoid, 3 complex choristomas and 13 epibulbar osseous choristoma. Most of them were composed of adipose tissue and dense connective tissue; linned by a keratinized squamous epithelium and sometimes without keratin. Some presented hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, lachrymal gland, bone or cartilage attached.
Conclusions: Epibulbar choristomas are benign congenital tumors, of slow growth, most of the times asymptomatic. Dermolipoma and dermoid are the most frequent types. Treatment my be a periodic evaluation or the surgical excision of the tumor, in order to improve the cosmetic appearance or to avoid conjunctival irritation.
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