2002, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2002; 25 (6)
Apego al tratamiento psicoterapéutico y resultados de una intervención breve en pacientes de consulta externa psiquiátrica
Torres TCJ, Lara MMC
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 27-34
PDF size: 367.62 Kb.
This is a report of the results of an observational study of patients in brief psychotherapy treatment, with the following aims: a) To compare the psychosocial characteristics of the patients who finished treatment, with those that prematurely dropped-out, and b) To assess the outcome of this treatment in patients that completed it. The sample contained 111 patients, 83 women (74 %) and 28 men (28 %), who were referred by their psychiatrist to the Psychotherapeutic Service of the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente. During the first eight weeks, the following clinical and psychosocial scales were applied to patients attending this Service for the first time: personality inventory, scale of psychiatric symptoms, social adjustment scale, scale of the percibed social support, scale of ego strenght, and selfsteem scale. From the 111 patients who requested attention, 25 did not come for the initial interview, and 4 were considered as not suitable, therefore the sample was reduced to 82 patients (64 women and 18 men). The treatment consisted of 20 sessions of group psychotherapy or 16 sessions one every two weeks, of brief individual psychotherapy. Fourty-two patients (51%) completed at least 16 treatment weeks, and 40 (49%) dropped-out at some stage of the process. At the end, those who completed their treatment were asked to answer once more the previously applied scales. When comparing the initial scores of the patients who completed their treatment (n=42), whith those of the drop-outs (n=40) no significant differences were found, but when comparing the final scores of the patients who completed the treatment, with their initial scores, significative differences were found in various scales, specially in anxiety, depression, hostility and social adjustment. Suitable research methods to assess the complex process implied in the psychotherapeutical treatment must be found.
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