2002, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2002; 25 (4)
Relación dosis-respuesta del bromuro de rocuronio en pacientes pediátricos.
Quiroga HOJ, Martínez MM, Quiroga MJO, Velásquez O, Tenopala VS
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 257-262
PDF size: 131.11 Kb.
Objetive: We examined the dose-response relationships of Rocuronium bromide in 45 children, ASAI and II, during thyopental-fentanyl- nitrous oxide-oxygen anaesthetic technique, with the aim to determine the age influence in the potency of Rocuronium.
Material and methods: We divided the patients in three groups of 15: Group I (one year old), Group II ( age 2-5 years ) and Group III (age 6-11 years). We determined the aceleromyographic register of the adductor digiti minimi using a train of four sequence at 2Hz every 10 s. The dose response relationships was elaborated for each group by the least square linear regression of the arc sen transformation of the level of muscular relaxation on the logarithm of the dose of rocuronium. The statistical analysis included T test, variance analysis and multiple regression lines. P‹0,05 was considered statistically significant, and we took a critic T value of 2,018 to determine statistically differences.
Results: The ED95, ED90 and ED50(cg/Kg) for each group was Group I: 249 ±14, 235 ±13, 180 ±9; Group II: 229 ±39, 220 ±35, 179 ±28; Group III: 265 ±27, 261 ±22, 195 ±15 respectively, without statistically differences. Conclusión: The potence of Rocuronium is not affect by age in 1-11 years children.
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