2006, Number 2
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Otorrinolaringología 2006; 51 (2)
Aerodynamic study of esophageal voice
Vázquez IF, Fernández GS, Gómez MC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 76-81
PDF size: 340.10 Kb.
To study the physiology of esophageal voice in function of the following aerodynamic parameters: neoglottic pressure (mmH
2O), phonation flow (ls-
1) and phonation time (s).
Patients and method
A sample of 33 laryngectomized patients was studied during the phonation of consonant-vowel /pa/, measuring aerodynamic parameters of neoglottic pressure (mmH
2O) and phonation flow (ls
-1) with a Rothemberg mask, and the phonation time of vowel /i/.
Quantitative aerodynamic results were analyzed and three patterns were obtained (A, B and C), clearly differentiated in the graphical analysis of the phonation flow waves.
The method used is efficient to study the aerodynamics of esophageal voice. Characterization of graphical patterns of phonation flow (A, B and C) determines the trend of quantitative aerodynamic parameters and may be used as a tool (monitoring) in the rehabilitation of esophageal voice.
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