2006, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (S1)
Policies, monitoring and minors access to cigarettes in México City
Kuri-Morales PA, Cortés-Ramírez M, Cravioto-Quintana P, Hoy MJ, González-Roldán JF
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 99-106
PDF size: 188.96 Kb.
In Mexico and other countries, the accessibility that minors have to products derived from tobacco –mainly cigarettes– is a primary contributing factor to smoking, and is currently one of the main public health challenges worldwide. In the fight against tobacco use, effective legislation for decreasing production, distribution and the sale of tobacco products is indispensable to the creation of conditions necessary for achieving a tobacco-free society. The sale of cigarettes to minors is an act that has unique characteristics according to the particular location, particularly in Mexico City, and the time in which it is evaluated. The lack of monitoring compliance with official regulations contributes to the fact that minors directly obtain cigarettes from most of the stores.
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