2006, Número S1
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (S1)
Consumo de tabaco en jóvenes rumanos
Lotrean LM, Ionut C, Vries H
Idioma: Ingles.
Referencias bibliográficas: 48
Paginas: 107-112
Archivo PDF: 111.82 Kb.
Se revisan datos publicados entre 1990 y 2006 sobre prevalencia de tabaquismo, así como influencias individuales y contextuales respecto al hábito de fumar entre adultos jóvenes rumanos. Los hallazgos incluyen una consideración de múltiples niveles de influencia, desde factores intraindividuales (por ejemplo, demográficos y cognitivos), influencias sociales (como familia y pares), hasta niveles de influencia macro sociales/culturales (publicidad y políticas relacionadas con el tabaco, entre otros). La fuente de datos incluye artículos y notas breves publicadas en revistas científicas o en formato electrónico, leyes, estadísticas, y se ilustran con imágenes. Con base en estos datos, se establecen recomendaciones para acciones futuras de prevención y reducción del consumo de tabaco en jóvenes rumanos.
World Health Organization .The European Report on Tobacco Control Policy. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2002.
Shafey O, Dolwick S, Guindon GE, ed. Tobacco Control Country Profiles 2003. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 2003.
Romanian Ministry of Health. The European School Survey Project on alcohol and other drugs. Bucharest: The Ministry, 2004.
Tyas LS, Pederson L. Psychosocial factors related to adolescent smoking: a critical review of the literature. Tob Control 1998; 7:409-420
Bucur GE. Starea de sanatate a elevilor. Viata Medicala 1999;26:1.
National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Global Youth Tobacco Survey; available on the web page of National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/global/GYTS/factsheets/2004/pdf/Romania_factsheet2004.pdf. Accessed 6 February 2006.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Global Youth Tobacco Survey; available on the web page of National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/global/gyts/GYTS_countryreports.htm. Accessed 6 February 2006.
Center for Health Policies and Services. Fumatul si sanatatea publica in Romania. Cunostinte, atitudini si practici legate de consumul de produse din tutun in randul populatiei generale din Romania. [Smoking and public health in Romania. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding tobacco use among general population in Romania] Bucharest: The Center, 2004..
Abraham P et al. Prevalenta consumului de droguri in Romania 2004. [Prevalence of drug use in Romania]. Bucharest: National Agency against Drugs, 2005.
Holm K, Kremers S, De Vries H. Why do Danish adolescents take up smoking? Eur J Public Health 2003; 13: 67-74.
Markham WA et al. What determines future smoking intentions of 12 to13 year old UK African-Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and white young adults? Health Educ Res 2004; 19:15-28.
Conrad KM, Flay BR, Hill D. Why children start smoking cigarettes: predictors of onset. Br J Addict 1992; 87: 1711-1724.
Laza V, Lotrean L. Smoking among Romanian young adults. ENYPAT Newsletter – Interaction 2003; 28: 16.
Lotrean L, Ionut C, De Vries H. Why do Romanian adolescents smoke? Cluj Napoca, Romania: Proceedings of Jubilee Scientific Meeting, 2005:60
De Vries H, Engels R, Kremers S, Wetzsel J, Mudde A.. Parents and friends’ smoking status as predictors of smoking onset: findings from six European countries. Health Educ Res 2003; 18:627-636.
Radu-Loghin C. Romania-political mapping and tobacco control strategy in tobacco control. Available on the web page of Open Society Institute; http://www.policy.hu/radu/. Accessed 9 February 2006.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 359, Law no. 148/2000, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 534, Law no. 504/2002, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 165, Law no. 55/1999, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 435, Law no. 349/2002, Romania.
Trofor A, Loghin CR. Fumatul de la obicei la boala. [Smoking from habit to disease] Iasi, Romania: Tehnopress, 2004.
Wakefield M, Chaloupka F. Effectiveness of comprehensive tobacco control programmes in reducing teenage smoking in the USA. Tob Control 2000; 9:177-186
Lantz M. Paula-Investing in youth tobacco control: a review of smoking prevention and control strategies, Tob Control 2000; 9:47-63
World Health Organization .The European Report on Tobacco Control Policy. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2002.
Shafey O, Dolwick S, Guindon GE, ed. Tobacco Control Country Profiles 2003. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 2003.
Romanian Ministry of Health. The European School Survey Project on alcohol and other drugs. Bucharest: The Ministry, 2004.
Tyas LS, Pederson L. Psychosocial factors related to adolescent smoking: a critical review of the literature. Tob Control 1998; 7:409-420
Bucur GE. Starea de sanatate a elevilor. Viata Medicala 1999;26:1.
National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Global Youth Tobacco Survey; available on the web page of National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/global/GYTS/factsheets/2004/pdf/Romania_factsheet2004.pdf. Accessed 6 February 2006.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Global Youth Tobacco Survey; available on the web page of National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/global/gyts/GYTS_countryreports.htm. Accessed 6 February 2006.
Center for Health Policies and Services. Fumatul si sanatatea publica in Romania. Cunostinte, atitudini si practici legate de consumul de produse din tutun in randul populatiei generale din Romania. [Smoking and public health in Romania. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding tobacco use among general population in Romania] Bucharest: The Center, 2004..
Abraham P et al. Prevalenta consumului de droguri in Romania 2004. [Prevalence of drug use in Romania]. Bucharest: National Agency against Drugs, 2005.
Holm K, Kremers S, De Vries H. Why do Danish adolescents take up smoking? Eur J Public Health 2003; 13: 67-74.
Markham WA et al. What determines future smoking intentions of 12 to13 year old UK African-Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and white young adults? Health Educ Res 2004; 19:15-28.
Conrad KM, Flay BR, Hill D. Why children start smoking cigarettes: predictors of onset. Br J Addict 1992; 87: 1711-1724.
Laza V, Lotrean L. Smoking among Romanian young adults. ENYPAT Newsletter – Interaction 2003; 28: 16.
Lotrean L, Ionut C, De Vries H. Why do Romanian adolescents smoke? Cluj Napoca, Romania: Proceedings of Jubilee Scientific Meeting, 2005:60
De Vries H, Engels R, Kremers S, Wetzsel J, Mudde A.. Parents and friends’ smoking status as predictors of smoking onset: findings from six European countries. Health Educ Res 2003; 18:627-636.
Radu-Loghin C. Romania-political mapping and tobacco control strategy in tobacco control. Available on the web page of Open Society Institute; http://www.policy.hu/radu/. Accessed 9 February 2006.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 359, Law no. 148/2000, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 534, Law no. 504/2002, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 165, Law no. 55/1999, Romania.
The Official Gazette of Romania no. 435, Law no. 349/2002, Romania.
Trofor A, Loghin CR. Fumatul de la obicei la boala. [Smoking from habit to disease] Iasi, Romania: Tehnopress, 2004.
Wakefield M, Chaloupka F. Effectiveness of comprehensive tobacco control programmes in reducing teenage smoking in the USA. Tob Control 2000; 9:177-186
Lantz M. Paula-Investing in youth tobacco control: a review of smoking prevention and control strategies, Tob Control 2000; 9:47-63