2007, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2007; 45 (3)
Diagnostic Criteria for Cervicovaginitis and its Congruency with the Mexican Official Norm to Prevent and Control Vaginal Infections
Martínez-Ojeda M, Saldaña-González J, Sánchez-Hernández MA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 249-254
PDF size: 124.96 Kb.
Objective: to analyze currently used criteria to diagnose and treat cervicovaginitis in primary care and its congruency with the Mexican Official Norm (MON).
Methodology: a cross sectional study was conducted to analyze 227 cases with cervicovaginitis. The information was obtained from the clinical charts and the variables were related to the criteria for diagnosis and treatment stated by MON.
Results: the mean age of patients was 31.5 years (SD 7.7). The cervicovaginitis cases were more frequent in the group of 31-35 years of age (21.4 %). The etiology was ascertained in 20.7 %; 48.5 % of clinical charts had registered the clinical information (symptoms and signs); 25.1 % were given specific treatment; in 20.7 % of cases treatment was given to the sexual partner, regardless of the etiology. 24.7 % had registered preventive actions; 10.6 % had gynecological examination; 26.9 % had laboratory exams and 27.3 % of cases were followed up.
Conclusions: little correspondence exists between the MON criteria and the clinical information registered in the clinical charts. This was found in less than thirty percent of cases. The gynecological examination and use of laboratory exams were infrequent, and there were a low percentage of cases in which the etiology was reported and related to the drug treatment.
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