2022, Number 4
Lessons Learned from Substantive Process Teachings in Coping with COVID-19 from a Nursing Perspective
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: Nurses play a critical role in times of pandemic because they bring knowledge, skills, and life experiences together with the healthcare team.Objective: To understand the experiences gained from the lessons learned from the substantive processes in dealing with COVID-19 in pediatric practice, from a nursing perspective.
Methods: Transcendental phenomenological qualitative study, carried out at the Pediatric Hospital "Octavio de la Concepción", Holguín, Cuba, in the period from February to April 2021. The experiences of eight nurses, seven physicians, five medical students and five nursing students, selected by non-probabilistic sampling, were integrated. Information was obtained through semi-structured interviews. Three stages were used: descriptive (choice of technique, interview, and formulation of the description), structural (reading, determination of the central theme, expression in scientific language) and discussion (comparison of findings with those of other researchers) to understand differences and similarities.
Results: Three categories emerged from the data analysis: a) Experiences acquired in the teachings in the COVID-19 in social processes. b) Experiences acquired in the teachings in the COVID-19 for health professionals. c) Experiences acquired in the teachings in the COVID-19 for personnel in training.
Conclusions: The implementation of health and social support actions in accessibility to health systems was evidenced. The opportunity to share experiences with experts facilitated the design of protocols, continuous generation of scientific evidence and the training of students with alternative methods.
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