2025, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2025; 68 (1)
Utility of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography in Evaluating Post-Surgical Biliary Tract Complications. Case Report
Lomas GA, Avendaño OC, Gómez PMG, Perochena GA
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 24-29
PDF size: 217.44 Kb.
Secondary cholangitis can be caused by the repair of the
biliary tract due to different situations. Bilioenteric anastomosis,
when losing the valvular mechanism, produces intestinal
reflux towards the biliary tract conditioning a higher risk of
inflammation - recurrent infection.
Cholangioresonance is the imaging method of choice to
determine both the normal anatomy of the biliary tree, as
well as to evaluate post-surgical changes and complications
such as: biliomas, bleeding, abscesses, and to determine their
location, so it is important to have the patient’s clinical data
and history. There are several types of surgical techniques
that require the radiologist to be familiar with them and together
with the different image sequences will allow a correct
interpretation of the images and thus determine the causes
of the patient’s ailment.
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