2024, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2024; 44 (4)
Hepatitis a vaccine: basic concepts
Alonso PNC, Marcos CL, Reyes GU, Coria LJJ, Reyes HKL, Espinosa SMC, Vargas MME, Pérez PO, López CG
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 178-185
PDF size: 205.90 Kb.
Hepatitis a virus (HAV) is a virus with an icosahedral capsid, diameter of 25 nanometers without envelope, single-
stranded ribonucleic acid genome, with one serotype, belonging to the Picornaviridae family; isolated in 1967
in Costa Rica. It is a common cause of hepatitis of viral origin, it is transmitted by fecalism and its incubation period
is on average 30 days. Shedding of the virus via the faeces can occur up to 20 days after infection. Transmission is
very high from the pre-icteric phase and up to two weeks after the onset of jaundice and malaise. Seven to nine out
of ten people are infected through contaminated food, by the fecal-oral route, poor sanitation, ground-level fecalism,
contaminated water, by people who work in daycare centers, or by people who work with food and vendors. Other
less frequent transmission routes, are blood or blood products transfusion, shared use of syringes or certain sexual
practices. The increase in cases of hepatitis of unknown origin forces us to review the precise indications, ages,
contraindications and basic information of the specific hepatitis a vaccine, and even when it is not included in the
national vaccination card, it is important as doctors of first contact indicate this vaccine.
Romero, C.R., Vacuna y vacunación. Fundamentos ymanejo de las inmunizaciones, México, Editorial Panamericana, 2013, pp. 94-98.
Comité Asesor de Vacunas (cav-aep), “Hepatitis a”, Manualde vacunas en línea de la aep, Madrid, aep, 2020. Disponibleen: http://vacunasaep.org/documentos/manual/cap-28.
Kimberlin, W.D., Brady, T.M. y Jackson, M.A., Red Book.Enfermedades infecciosas en pediatría, México, EditorialPanamericana, 31ª ed., 2018, pp. 457-466.
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Foster, M.A., Hofmeister, M.G., Kupronis, B.A. et al., “Increasein hepatitis a virus infections-United States, 2013-2018”, Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2019, 68 (18): 413-415.
Secretaría de Salud, Manual de vacunación 2017, CentroNacional para la Salud de la Infancia y la Adolescencia,Consejo Nacional de Vacunación.
“Hepatitis a vaccine (hepa): pediatric drug information”.En Calderwood S (ed.), UpToDate, Waltham, Mass.,UpToDate, 2020. Consultado en 2020. Disponible en:https://www.uptodate.com/contents/hepatitis-a-vaccine-hepa-pediatric-drug.
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Havrix (hepatitis a vaccine) (precribing information), ResearchTriangle Park, NC, GlaxoSmithKline, diciembrede 2018.
Havrix (hepatitis a vaccine) (producto monograph), Mississauga,Ontario, Canadá, GlaxoSmithKline, noviembrede 2018.
Vaqta (hepatitis a vaccine, inactivated) (precribing information),Whitehouse Station, NJ, Merck &Co, diciembrede 2018.
Avaxim (hepatitis a vaccine) (Canadian product monograph),Toronto, Ontario, Canadá, Sanofi Pasteur Limited,junio de 2019.
Doshani, M., Weng, M., Moore, K.L. et al., “Recommendationsof the Advisory Committee on ImmunizationPractices for use of Hepatitis a vaccine for personsexperiencing homelessness, Morb Mortal Wkly Rep,2019, 68 (6): 153-156.
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