2024, Number 4
Characterization of pediatric patients with hemato-oncological pathology and infection
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 163-167
PDF size: 172.11 Kb.
Objective. To characterize pediatric patients with hemato-oncologic pathology and infection in a high-complexity hospital in the city of Medellin.Methodology. Retrospective, descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study, which included pediatric patients with hemato-oncologic pathology. A non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases was performed. The analysis was performed in Jamovi, for quantitative variables, the mean and standard deviation or median and interquartile range were used according to their distribution. For qualitative variables, absolute and relative frequencies were used.
Results. 60 patients were included. The median age was six years, and males predominated (63.3%). The most frequent pathology was leukemia (94.9%). Regarding the source of infection, the respiratory system was the most common with 32%, followed by bacteriemia with 25%. 53.3% of patients were diagnosed with febrile neutropenia and the most frequent outcome was hospital discharge (81.7%), 16.7% died.
Conclusion. In the population studied, respiratory infections, bacteremias and gastrointestinal infections were the most frequent. Early detection and adequate management are required, taking into account the characteristics of each population.
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