2022, Number 1
Rh negative breast carcinoma at the Teaching Clinic Surgical Hospital Celestino Hernandez Robau
García-Pérez R, Llanes-García L, Alfonso-González CP, Agüero-Arboláez MC, Cabrera-Evin JC, Navarro-López E
Language: Spanish
References: 0
PDF size: 903.07 Kb.
Introduction: The breast carcinoma which is negative to the expression of hormonal receptors (negative RH) includes the molecular subtypes Her2/neu and triple negative, that are both associated to higher biological activity and a worse forecast.Objective: To determine the real incidence of the subtypes triple negative and Her2/neu in breast carcinoma and its correlation with prognostic value clinic-pathological variables.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was done in the Hospital Celestino Hernández, Villa Clara, from January 2017 to June 2019. It was included 293 women with diagnosis of infiltrating breast carcinoma, whose biopsies were studied by immunohistochemistry, determining the incidence of the molecular subtypes triple negative and overexpression of Her-2 and its correlation with others prognostic value variables.
Results: In the series it was determined the incidence of the molecular subtypes triple negative and Her2/neu. In both molecular subtypes more two third of patients were older than 50 years old, had tumor size larger than 2 cm at the moment of diagnosis and had ductal histology. The correlation of the both molecular subtypes with moderately and poorly histological types of breast carcinoma stands out. In the same way the proliferation index determined by Ki67 was high in more two third of the studied patients.
Conclusions: The post-menopausal age, the ductal histologic type, high histologic grade, high index of Ki67 and tumor size larger than 2 cm are often associated to molecular subtypes of breast carcinomas which are negative to the expression of hormonal receptors.