2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Observatory of the Health of Indigenous People: make visible to respond to inequalities
Pelcastre-Villafuerte B, Meneses-Navarro S, Becerril-Montekio V, Serván-Mori E
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 876-878
PDF size: 180.04 Kb.
Indigenous populations in Mexico have been discriminated
against in health statistics. Although the multicultural nature
of the country was recognized in 1992, ethnicity was not
included in the health information system until 2010. Despite
attempts to register, monitor and evaluate the health of indigenous
peoples, efforts must be redoubled to make visible
their health conditions, their determinants and the health
system’s response to them, as well as the disparities they face
in relation to the national population. With this commitment,
the National Institute of Public Health created the Institutional
Program Health of Indigenous Peoples in 2019, followed
by the Observatory of the Health of Indigenous People in
2022, to improve research, data collection and dissemination
of information on indigenous health and contribute to better
respond to their needs and reduce inequalities.
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Pelcastre-Villafuerte B, Meneses-Navarro S, Becerril-Montekio V, Serván-Mori E, Armenta-Paulino N, Gómez-Flores-Ramos L, et al. Observatorio dela salud de los pueblos indígenas. México: INSP/ESPM, 2024 [citado julio 22,2024]. Disponible en: https://ospi.espm.mx/integrantes-observatorio