2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Complementary feeding practices.
Ramírez-Silva I, Rivera-Pasquel M, Bonvecchio-Arenas A, Unar-Munguía M, Lozada-Tequeanes AL, Valderrama-Álvarez Z, López-Alarcón M, González-Castell LD
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 425-436
PDF size: 296.52 Kb.
Objective. Evaluate adherence of complementary feeding
practices (CFP) to recommendations of the healthy and
sustainable feeding guidelines of Mexico for infants and young
children (GASS) and document main barriers to compliance
with optimal CFP and formulate public policy recommendations
to address them.
Materials and methods. Using
data from Ensanut Continua 2020-23 to evaluate compliance
of CPF to GASS through an index that assessed five
dimensions (age of introduction, optimal age of introduction,
continued breastfeeding, consume of recommended foods
and frequency of meals) (assigning 0 or 1 points for compliance).
Main barriers were identified for optimal CFP and
recommendations for public policy were made.
Results. In
Mexico, half of children from 6-23 months has a compliance
to GASS recommendations 50.9/100 (CI95% 45.5,50.0) or
less. Compliance index to recommendations decreases as
age increases. There are, different structural, social, cultural
and individual barriers that affects CFP.
Conclusions. It is
imperative to improve CFP to fulfill the “Right to Health” in
children ‹24 months. This requires updating the standards (ac
cording to current international guidelines and the healthy and
sustainable Mexican dietary guidelines); strengthen primary
health care services through the nationwide implementation
of the newly designed thousand-days strategy, which includes
an important component of CFP and begins with the training
of healthcare personnel.
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