2022, Number 2
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Rev cubana med 2022; 61 (2)
Associated neuropsychological and personality risk factors in occupational polyaccidentality
Manotas SE, Costa AL, Echeverria AJW, Ardila DCA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 610.50 Kb.
The well-being and health of each of the workers are paramount in the Department of Occupational Health at Fundación Hospital Universitario Metropolitano. It is important that the staff enjoy a healthy standard of living in order to satisfactorily fulfil all their obligations and the planned goals of the organization.
To look at the neuropsychological and personality factors associated in a group of individuals who have been injured two or more times (poly-accidented).
A case-control methodological design was developed. The databases of the Department of Labor Safety and Health were taken as the population, with 50 workers injured on two or more occasions (poly-accidents). The abbreviated Reynolds Intelligence Scale (Rist) was applied as data collection techniques to assess the intelligence coefficient of the subjects and Cattell personality questionnaire (16 Pf), to measured 16 primary factors and four secondary factors. The Neuropsychological Battery of Executive Functions and Frontal Lobes (BANFE) was used to evaluate neuropsychological factors.
They were processed using the Statistical Package Social Science (Spss) version 21.0 that allowed the hypothesis test to be carried out for the variables studied, Mann Whitney U test was used, with 0.05 alpha criterion and 95% level of confidence.
The group of poly-accidented patients showed alterations in the orbito-medial, ventromedial and dorso-lateral areas, which predisposes them to greater possibility of carrying out risky activities and presenting less risk awareness.
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