2022, Number 2
Development of science and technology in the skills of a General Surgery rotatory internship
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 219.16 Kb.
Introduction: The global scientific-technical development imposes new social and economic challenges, as well as it responds to a quality education, which allows for the application of this advance to new technologies.Objective: To expose the development of science and technology for improving the theoretical-practical skills of medical students during a general surgery rotatory internship.
Methods: The study used the opposition of theoretical methods such as the historical-logical, document analysis and theoretical systematization, for the collection of information, construction, development and final conformation of the product.
Conclusions: The philosophical foundations were updated, together with the theoretical knowledge about learning and new technologies for improving the teaching of theoretical-practical skills among medical students during a general surgery rotatory internship. Technological development, teaching and practice of medical ethics allow solving the health problems of the population at different levels of care, which contributes to the integral formation of the future general physician.
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