2022, Number 2
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (2)
Burnout syndrome and its relationship with components of DISC theory in a commerce enterprise
Riquelme DG, Arias GW
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 253-263
PDF size: 264.92 Kb.
Introduction: the Burnout syndrome has generated several researches in the last forty
years considering its implications for labor health, but there are few papers that asso-
ciate this construct with variables such as leadership. In this sense, the DISC theory,
formulated by William Marston, and applied to the organizational context in order to
explain leadership and submission behaviors.
Objective: the present research has
as aim to analyze the relationship between burnout syndrome and its dimensions with
personality styles according to DISC theory: Dominant, Influential, Steadiness and
Method: 91 workers from a private commerce enterprise (37,4% female
and 62,6% male) were assessed by the application of Burnout Maslach Inventory and
the DISC Test.
Results: 15,4% workers has severe level of burnout syndrome and
the predominant personality was the Steady in the 34% of the sample, followed by the
Influential in the 29%, the Compliance in the 26% and the Dominant in the 11%. The
application of the chi square test reported that there are not a significant statistical
relation between the variables of this study.
Conclusion: There were no significant
associations between the Burnout syndrome dimensions and leadership dimensions
according to the DISC theory.
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