2022, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2022; 42 (4)
Mpox. An endemic disease in Africa and emerging in the world
Rodríguez NE, González DE, Pérez GHR, Esparza AS, Escobedo SR, Vázquez LM, Aguirre DSA, Morfín OR
Language: Spanish
References: 73
Page: 157-164
PDF size: 169.00 Kb.
Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease; before 2022, the infection in humans occurred only in endemic African regions.
In April 2022, monkeypox cases began to be reported around the world. The 2022 epidemic is transmitted through
skin-to-skin contact and sexual contact. Monkeypox cases in this new epidemic present with fever, lethargy, myalgia,
headache, and lymphadenopathy before the appearance of a skin rash. In contrast to previous cases, most
patients in 2022 have fewer skin lesions, and a high percentage have anogenital lesions with mucosal lesions.
Monkeypox infections are diagnosed using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There are antiviral medications active
against monkeypox. Tecovirimat is an antiviral that inhibits a crucial protein involved in the viral dissemination and
virulence cycle. There is a need for vaccines against orthopox viruses like monkeypox. The replication-deficient,
modified vaccine Ankara, JYNNEOS, is used for preexposure exposure of persons at risk for occupational exposure to
the virus.
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