2021, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (4)
Ethical dilemas in the dentistry clinic since the teaching speech
Herrera SF, Cano CMÁ, Morales RMA, Arredondo VIL, Martínez AKM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1706-1727
PDF size: 200.88 Kb.
The present work recovers the teaching discourse, relative to the
ethical dilemmas that arise in the teaching-learning process in
classroom spaces and clinical settings based on the care of dental
patients, starting from a narratological research strategy. Currently
the dentist must be considered socially as a competent and
experienced professional whose main objective is the well-being of
the patient, therefore, it is important that they know the basic ethical
and bioethical principles to govern their attitude and stop the
dehumanization of their work, preventing attitudes and practices that
harm human beings. In order to obtain the reports concerning the
ethical dilemmas, an in-depth interview was used, they were
formalized as a clinical vignette, and a typology of the dilemmas
formulated was established. It is concluded that teachers have
developed a new sensitivity to problems of an ethical nature, which
is noticeable when they are able to narrate dilemmatic situations
within the teaching exercise both in the clinic and in the classroom.
The construction of this sensitivity can be judged by the impact of
the bioethical discourse and the turn of the curriculum towards a
humanistic aspect.
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