2022, Number 41
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (41)
Analytical questions in qualitative research
Hamui SL, Vives VT
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 97-102
PDF size: 379.68 Kb.
This article focuses on the data analysis phase in qualitative
research. After locating the investigative moment in
which the hermeneutical act takes place, different strategies
are presented to approach the data analysis. The
paper focuses on the proposal of analytical questions.
Based on the texts of Jackson and Mazzei, the assembly
of data and theories is described in three movements:
first, the disruption of binomials like theory / practice,
subject / object, inside / outside, researched / researcher,
to understand the way they constitute each other; second,
the elaboration of analytical questions based on authors’
concepts to think about the data; and third, evince the
flexibility of both when being stressed to reveal socio-cultural
processes of interest and generate new knowledge.
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