2018, Number 25
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (25)
Evaluation role of tutors: comparison of perception students of the Health Careers
López GPP, Rejón OJC, Navarro SDN, Zamora SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 109.23 Kb.
Objective: To compare the performance of tutors in different curricular levels of Health
Careers, from the student perspective.
Method: Descriptive cross-sectional quantitative research was carried out. The population
corresponded to students of Nursing, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nutrition, Obstetrics, Medical Technology,
with experience in PBL of different curricular levels. A questionaire of 23-ítems, grouped
into three factors: tutor tasks; methodological domain / attitudinal aspect; learning environment
( Cronbach 0.91), was applied to 1.541 students with prior informed consent. A Likert
scale (1 to 5) was used for the responses. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed,
comparison of means with Scheffe’s test.
Results: In factor I, items with lower means are concentrated in all curricular levels: It stimulates
self-evaluation and peer evaluation of students; Helps develop individual communication
skills in students. In factor II the item with lower mean was demonstrates responsibility in
tutorial process and greater; demonstrates commitment in its role of tutor. The factor III corresponds
to the best evaluated of the instrument, the greater means were stimulates the good
relations between students; It manages to create an atmosphere of trust and respect in the
tutorial. Factor I has a significant difference (p ‹ 0.05) between first level and clinical (p.002),
the factor II between the first and preclinical levels (p.002); first level and clinical (p .000).
Factor III shows differences between first level and clinical (p.000) and preclinical and clinical
(p .027).
Conclusions: The greatest difficulty for tutors is related to evaluative processes, the least complex
is related to the favorable learning environment generated in the methodology. Students
of higher levels value the tutors with expertise in methodology and discipline. Teacher training
should be targeted according to student development stages and peer reflection spaces.
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