2018, Number 25
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (25)
Tutoring as a process to strengthen students’ personal development and growth
Aguirre BEL, Herrera ZBR, Vargas HI, Ramírez LNL, Aguilar VL, Aburto-Arciniega MB, Guevara-Guzmán R
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 126.59 Kb.
Introduction: Interaction between tutor and students leads to the students being aware of the
progress of their potentialities, which influences their development and growth.
Objective: To analyse the perception of Tutors taking part in the basic cycles of the Tutor
Institutional Program on their tutorial activities, in order to comply with Competence number
8 of the 2010 Study Plan of the Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of UNAM.
Method: Qualitative methodology was used to analyse the following categories: tutor training,
the role of the tutor, and tutoring for ‘‘Personal development and growth’’.
Results: It was concluded that tutors must have training within the health care field. Their role
was identified as a counsellor and facilitator, a guide, or companion for students, and for this
reason there is the need to choose tutors that meet the Tutor Institutional Program competence.
Tutorial activities have an influence on personal growth, and need specific training that must
be standardised. Listening skill was perceived as a basic tool to detect the student needs that
require attention.
Conclusions: Institutional support is essential for the tutors/teachers and students to know their
functions and scope within the 2010 Study Plan. This strengthening could encourage the acquiring
of student in order to practice Medicine and, in particular, for the approach to activities
that, through the tutoring support of Tutor Institutional Program, may strengthen their personal
development and growth.
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