2021, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (1)
Teenage pregnancy: from a perspective of psychological maturation that the teenagers have
Reséndiz GA, Zavala MJA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 266-283
PDF size: 168.11 Kb.
This article aims to make a reflection about the teenage pregnancy
from the point of view of the psychological maturity, as there are
many text that address teen pregnancy from sexuality, diseases of
transition to sexual methods of contraception to avoid a pregnancy,
the interruption of legal power to abort the new being before 12
weeks of gestation, but we never focus on the maturation of the
young, as this see it as a game or an error, which does not have
the necessary tools to tackle this problem, which in the article the
question is asked what is the psychological maturation? Is to be
responsible for the sex you have and cope with having a child at an
early age. Teen pregnancy the society categorizes as a health
problem, the government is that the rates of teen pregnancy lower
year-on-year through information campaigns which have
decreased a bit the statistics, but the problem for the government
it's still there. Adolescents should babe responsible in their actions
so that the child will not suffer the consequence of having parents’
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