2021, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (1)
Notes on ethnographic inquiry in psychology: observation, interview and analysis
Yoseff BJJ, Delabra RBÁ, Romero MEP
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 28-55
PDF size: 206.04 Kb.
This writing, arising from theoretical-methodological reflections
and from our own experience as researchers, is aimed
particularly at students with the purpose of providing them with
elements to face the challenge of understanding the subjectivity
of the other from the perspective of sociocultural psychology.
The work is divided into three sections, the first of which deals
briefly with the ethnographic study and the place of participant
observation in it. The second section deals with some general
guidelines around conducting interviews, while in the third we
address questions related to how to analyze an interview or
verbal material that arose in a dialogue. Criteria related to the
rigor of the analysis are proposed, and various ways of
interpretation are formulated, depending on the objectives
pursued by an investigation and taking into consideration
fundamental elements such as the context -social and material-,
the inevitable asymmetry in social relations, situational status of
both the researcher and the investigated, among others.
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