2006, Number 6
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Acta Ortop Mex 2006; 20 (6)
Results of arthroscopic percutaneous medial plication for the treatment of patellar instability. Preliminary results
de la Torre SRA, Torres RF, Valdés MML
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 266-270
PDF size: 83.94 Kb.
Introduction. Patellar instability is a frequent cause of anterior knee pain and often results in recurrent knee dislocation, with the lateral type as the most frequent one. This may be due to mechanical, bone, muscular and ligament factors or to a combination of two or more of the above. The purpose of this paper is to present the experience of arthroscopic treatment of patellar instability with percutaneous medial plication.
Material and methods. This paper was performed at the Knee Arthroscopy and Surgery Service, IMSS Trauma Emergency Hospital, between January 2005 and March 2006. It is a retrospective, longitudinal, observational, descriptive study. Thirteen patients were treated using the same technique and then evaluated with a follow-up period of 3-14 months.
Results. The Lysholm scale was used to evaluate the results, which were good in 87% of cases; no relapse patellar dislocations were reported during the follow-up period.
Discussion.Arthroscopic percutaneous medial plication proved to be a useful technique to treat patellar instability. The results obtained are similar to those reported with the use of other open and combined techniques for the treatment of this condition.
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