2021, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (2)
Relationship between Satisfaction with Diabetes Treatment and Glycemic Control in Patients of Legal Age
Toledo HA, Liévanos BMA, Santillán GA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 95-100
PDF size: 160.27 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate satisfaction with
diabetes treatment and its association
with glycemic control in patients attending
a metabolic control module
Methods: analytical crosssectional
study. Patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus (DM2) over eighteen
years enrolled in the DiabetIMSS program
of the Regional General Hospital
with Family Medicine Unit (HGR/MF)
No.1 of the Mexican Institute of Social
Security (IMSS) participated; sampling
was non-probabilistic by consecutive
cases. The Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction
Questionnaire (DTSQ) was used,
sociodemographic aspects, as well as
glycosylated hemoglobin values to
determine glycemic control were investigated.
Results: 125 patients were
evaluated in the DiabetIMSS module,
44.7% of the patients under 65 years of
age showed glycemic control and 95.8%
were very satisfied with their diabetes
treatment. 68.9% of patients older than
65 years had adequate glycemic control
and 93.1% reported being very satisfied
with their treatment. Bivariate analysis
was performed using Fisher’s exact statistical
test for both age groups and no
statistical significance was obtained. An
overall OR of 0.04 (95% CI 0.16 - 5.76;
p=0.96) was obtained between glycemic
control and satisfaction with treatment.
Conclusions: there was no statistically
significant association between glycemic
control and satisfaction with diabetes
treatment. Alternative strategies should
be sought to strengthen metabolic control
in patients with DM2.
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