2020, Number 33
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INFODIR 2020; 16 (33)
Information and communication technologies in Cuban mother and child care
Muñoz MM, Santana EMC, Gavilondo MX
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 446.77 Kb.
Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies in health programs today constitutes a pillar of innumerable resources to associate health with technology, in the achievement of efficiency and comprehensive care to people’s health. Updating of Cuban National Program for Mother and Child Care, is one of the priority tasks for this national project and in the search of potential solutions to problems identified in scientific workshops of this project. The research systematizes what is referred to the computerization strategy of this health program and is aimed at improving it.
Objective: To base the essential components associated to Information and Communication Technologies in order to improve Mother and Child Care Program computing in Cuba.
Development: Existing problems associated to the use of computing technologies in the management of this program were addressed. Five components, according to authors’ position, were found to be the most important ones for the efficient development of computing strategy in this health program.
Conclusions: The described components are indispensable to improve the current strategy, since it is recognized that the interaction with this program can be more dynamic and offer better informative and technological resources for its managers than those it has today.
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