2020, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (4)
But you do consciously? equity in a conversational encounter between heterosexual couples
Alarcón DIL
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1592-1611
PDF size: 174.71 Kb.
This paper analyzes fragments of the conversation between the
members of 3 heterosexual Mexican couples who consider
themselves tending towards equity. Their ages ranged from 30 to
34, and they had been married for 3 to 6 years. They were all
professionals. As a methodological strategy, phrases of a scale
were used to promote conversational exchange, which allowed us
to focus on language as a social practice, that is, in its pragmatic
dimension. Pragmatics refers to the ways of speaking, to knowing
how it is used in the interactions between speakers in everyday
life, through which it is possible to analyze how particular social
relationships are created between them. The findings show that the
pragmatic dimension of language allows to appreciate elements of
tension and agreement among the participants and that the sense
of belonging-dependence prevailed over that of autonomyindependence,
which speaks to us of the prevalence of the we, of
the construction of a relational identity as well as a balance of
power between them.
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