2020, Number 2
Central venous catheter for hemodialysis. Nursing performance
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: the use of central venous catheters has gone up remarkably in the last decade, due to an increase of patients entering the chronical plan without prior vascular access.Objective: to describe nursing actions that prevent complications in hemodialysis patients with central venous catheter.
Method: a descriptive longitudinal study of patients with dialysis treatment was performed at Hospital General Universitario Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Holguín, Cuba. The study universe consisted of 63 patients that received medical attention from September 2018 to February 2019, who met the inclusion criteria and would have hemodialysis treatment with central venous catheter.
Results: patients whose etiology was terminal chronic renal failure predominated, with 63.5%. From the 63 patients studied, only 17 of them showed complications associated to the catheter, the most reported infection, with 10 cases and a relative frequency of 58.8%. Nursing protocols based on universal asepsis standards are performed.
Conclusions: most of the studied patients were diagnosed with terminal chronic renal failure and a low complication rate was reported; nursing actions taken helped to establish the methodology, guarantee clinical safety and improve life quality of the patients.
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