2020, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2020; 10 (1)
In-hospital cardioembolic stroke
Morales CE, Bustamante SA, Álvarez ED, Martín MG, Paz SL
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 420.96 Kb.
Objective: To characterize the in-hospital occurrence of cardioembolic cerebral infarction.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, prospective study was carried out at Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Central Military Hospital from January 2016 to December 2017. Sixty-three patients suffering from cardioembolic stroke. The variables analyzed were age, sex, vascular risk factors, latency at admission, stroke severity, affected vascular territory, imaging size of cerebral infarction, therapeutic management, complications, state at discharge, hospital stay and Barthel scale at discharge. Descriptive statistics was used and absolute and relative frequencies of each variable were obtained.
Results: Among the vascular risk factors, the male sex (52.4%), those older than 70 years (63.8%), hypertension (87.3%) and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (71.5%) predominated. Late care, involvement of the carotid territory, median infarct size on neuroimaging, mild stroke, short in-hospital stay, and non-neurological complications were more frequent. More than half received late-onset dual antiplatelet therapy and 41% did not anticoagulate on discharge from hospital.
Conclusions: Male patients, older than 70 years, with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, both chronic and isolated, and with congestive heart failure predominated. Most of these patients received late hospital care, so dual platelet antiaggregation was decided in the acute phase and non-anticoagulation at the time of hospital discharge.
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