2020, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2020; 36 (2)
Discussion about the Sick Building Syndrome in Health Workers
Soares e SJ, Astrês FM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 412.01 Kb.
Introduction: Occupational health involves important lines of debate. Occupational disease sees working and the work environment as causes of workers' disease, as is the case of sick building syndrome.
Objective: To discuss, based on the scientific literature, the sick building syndrome in the setting of health workers.
Methods: Integrative review carried out in April 2019. Four databases were used, in which 37 articles were initially obtained. The criteria of time or language delimitation were not applied. After reading the whole information, 10 primary studies were chosen, which were discussed later. All the choosing and the analysis followed a flow chart and the strategy of PRISMA.
Conclusion: Little production was found about sick building syndrome focused on the setting of health workers, making it difficult to obtain current studies that address the problem. However, based on what has been reviewed, the causal factors range from failure of ventilation systems and their qualities to the problem of work overload and environments with microorganisms. The symptoms are diverse and characterized mainly by problems related to the respiratory tract, the skin, and the psychological aspect. Intervention activities involve professional performance targeted to occupational health units, the use of instruments to detect exposure risks, and changes in structural habits.
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