2020, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (3)
Psychological factors associated with family planning in HIV positive women
Meza-Rodríguez MP, Mancilla RJ, Garza MSJ, Plazola CNG, Santillán PVE, Camacho AI
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1105-1120
PDF size: 308.58 Kb.
Introduction: An important number of infected women with HIV are in reproductive age, and many of them wish to be pregnant even after the diagnostic, representing a big challenge for the maternal-fetal health. This makes the importance of knowing the reproductive health necessities and family planning of these patients.
Objective: Identify the psychological factors which influence the election of a postpartum family planning method in HIV seropositive pregnant women.
Material and Method: An observational cross-sectional, descriptive, and multivariate correlational study was performed. The sample was constituted by 73 pregnant HIV seropositive, who answered a battery of psychometric tests for evaluating psychological discomfort presence, traits of anxiety, depression, level of therapeutic adherence and coping style.
Results: Of all patients: 31.5% presented psychological discomfort, 38.4% anxiety state, 27.4% trait anxiety, 54.6% depression and 82% high level of therapeutic adherence, being positive reevaluation the prevalent coping style. The bilateral tubaric obstruction (BTO) was elected by 67.1% of the patients as postpartum family planning method. This group presented the highest proportion of traits of state anxiety and therapeutic adherence in comparison with patients who chose another or no family planning method.
Conclusions: There exists a psychological implication that requires detection and timely care in HIV seropositive women during the course not only of pregnancy but also during HIV infection. The BTO was the selected postpartum family planning method for most patients.
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