2020, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (3)
Drag performance and life experiencienses of drag queens from Mexico City
Saldivar LM, Badillo ODJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 912-935
PDF size: 370.36 Kb.
Drag queens are men who wear clothes socially assigned to women, exaggerating make up, dresses, wigs and accessories. Some aspects of mexican drag queens are unknown; therefore, the aim of this study is to know the performative process and the life experiences of a group of people who are experienced drag queens in Mexico City. This study involved 10 men who perform, professionally, as drag queens, with an age range between 19 and 35 years old. The participants were interviewed and, from the analysis, we built the following thematic axes: a) Reasons and benefits of being a drag queen; b) Character construction and drag performativity; c) Relationship between identity and drag character; d) Social and affective bonds around drag; and e) Drag performances as a political platform. Through the performance, drag queens in Mexico City have configured a political positioning that is accompanied by the construction of their character and the message they want to communicate, which are fundamentally crossed by their social bonds and their life experiences. Furthermore, drag queen performances have several benefits, including positive effects on their mental health and the strengthening of self-esteem which, in turn, allows them to cope discrimination, homophobia and social marginality.
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