2020, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (1)
mieloma múltiple|trasplante autólogo de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas|
Figueredo PYE, Capote CT, Luna CCM, Gutiérrez GCG, Wilford LMA, Campos ML
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 445.36 Kb.
Introduction. Multiple myeloma is an incurable disease secondary to transformed clonal plasma cells. According to the World Health Organization, multiple myeloma represents 1% of malignant neoplasms and between 10-15 % of hematological malignancies, rarely affects subjects less than 30 years of age and in 90 % affects subjects older than 50 years.
Methods. 79 patients were diagnosed with a diagnosis of multiple myeloma in the Hematology Department of the Surgical Medical Research Center. The data for the development of the research were obtained from medical records.
Results. Male sex, the white skin color, age group over 60 years and the clinical form of active symptomatic excelled in patients studied. The most commonly used initial induction scheme was melphalan / prednisone / thalidomide / zometa and autologous hematopoietic progenitor transplantation.
Conclusions. The general and relapse-free survival were higher than the mortality one year after diagnosis, with a gradual decrease during the entire period studied.
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