2020, Number 35
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (35)
Critical Incidents and their Contribution to the Professional Identity of the Midwife Professor in Chile
Altamirano-Droguett JE, Nail-Kroyer ÓR, Monereo-Font C
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 38-48
PDF size: 509.86 Kb.
Introduction: University professors face a series of critical
incidents over the course of their career that can cause
the emotional destabilization of their own professional
identity. In order to resolve these unforeseen incidents,
professors must employ coping strategies, which are already
controlled through either prior learning or unexpected
findings, depending on the conditions that trigger the
critical situation. There is no international, national or local
empirical evidence related to critical incidents and the
coping techniques employed by Chilean midwives professors.
This study aims to be a contribution in this field.
Objective: To be able to recognize the analysis of critical
incidents as a useful reflexive tool to provide radical
changes in the professional identity of midwife professors.
Method: A qualitative and interpretative study was conducted
based on the grounded theory to identify the
most frequent critical incidents and coping strategies for
these unexpected events, which was carried out through
semi-structured interviews to midwives professors from
different chilean universities.
Results: Twenty professionals took part in the research
study. A total of forty-five critical incidents were identified.
Out of the forty-five critical incidents, thirty were inside the
classroom and fifteen in instructor-assisted clinical field
with a predominance on behavioural norms. The answers
most mentioned by the professors were of the reflexive
and reactive type. The reflexive offer an adequate solution
by employing transitional coping strategies, but do not
necessarily achieve a meaningful change in their identity
as professors, unlike innovative strategies that open the
door to a re-conceptualization of their notions, practices,
and emotions associated with teaching.
Conclusion: In order to strengthen the professional identity
of midwife professors, it becomes necessary a training
program focused on the management of critical incidents,
which provides the necessary fundamental means to handle
unforeseen incidents in various midwifery educational
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