2019, Number 29
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (29)
The rubric in the evaluation of presentations of clinical cases: appreciations of dental students
Urias BCM, Rodríguez CL, Zárate DNE
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 85-94
PDF size: 476.72 Kb.
Introduction: Evaluating performance in a competencybased
education model requires the clarification of the
evaluation criteria, as a guide to improving the formative
process. In this sense, in the state of the art the rubric is
identified as an evaluation instrument that allows a more
objective and transparent process, which facilitates the
evaluation of competencies and from the perspective of
students, improves their performance.
Objective: To analyze the impact on the assessments that
students give to the use of a rubric to evaluate presentations
of clinical cases.
Method: A study of mixed approach was conducted
through the application of a questionnaire with closed
and open-ended questions, aimed to students of the
second semester of dentistry, with comparisons by shift
and gender.
Results: The students positively appreciated the use of the
rubric in their learning (most of the morning shift: 62.5%
and female gender: 62%); in their evaluation (mainly of the
morning shift: 63.8% and without significant difference
between the female gender: 56.3% and male: 55.3%);
and in the accomplishment of the task (mostly of the morning
shift: 63.8% and female gender: 62%). Likewise, the
majority of the students of both shifts highlighted as beneficial
that the rubric provided transparency in the evaluation,
since it allowed it to be more objective and helped
to understand the qualities that the work should have.
Conclusions: The evaluation through the rubric clarifies
the evaluation criteria, and according to the opinion of
the students, it guides the quality in their performance.
Given that the professional training of the dentist requires
to a large extent the demonstration of practical skills, it
is important to use the rubric in the evaluation since it
promotes the improvement of performance and promotes
self-assessment and self-regulation.
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