2016, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (2)
Influence of sociocultural factors on body image from the perspective of adolescent girls
Cortez D, Gallegos M, Jiménez T, Martínez P, Saravia S, Cruzat-Mandich C, Díaz-Castrillón F, Behar R, Arancibia M
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 116-124
PDF size: 352.94 Kb.
Body image is a relevant topic in the development of identity during the adolescence,
where social factors are significant in determining individual expectations. This study
aims to describe and analyze the perception that female adolescents have about the influence
of sociocultural factors on their own body image. This research has a qualitative, exploratory
and descriptive approach based on the Grounded Theory. Five adolescent girls aged between 16
and 18 years were interviewed. Results show that body image is characterized by ambivalent
feelings and different degrees of body dissatisfaction. In general, participants overvalue physical
aspects, for instance, thinness is believed as a sign of attractiveness, success and perfection,
prototype linked to body dissatisfaction. The more influential sociocultural parameters were
mass media, especially online social networks, peers and family. It is concluded that strengthening
critical judgment skills to distinguish between the ideal body and the real body could
enhance the prevention of eating disturbances in adolescent women.
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