2016, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (1)
Analysis of the aesthetic stereotypes of women in nine fashion and beauty mexican magazines
Pérez-Lugoa AL, Gabino-Camposa M, Baile JI
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 40-45
PDF size: 273.81 Kb.
Nowadays there are many health problems associated with body dissatisfaction experienced
by many women, such as eating disorders. Such body dissatisfaction is associated with
promoting an aesthetic ideal based on thinness. Mass media seem to play an important role
in the dissemination of this aesthetic model. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether, the
covers of the best-known beauty magazines fashion in Mexico continue to spread an aesthetic
model based on really thin women. Nine most popular magazines in Mexico, and a total of 53
covers were analyzed, they had been published over the six previous months. Covers were rated
in several categories related with aesthetic aspects. The results show that 100% of the covers
still show the photograph of a woman as a lure, and that 98% of cases she was a thin or a skinny
woman. Other data related to body shape and skin type of the model on the cover were also
obtained. These results indicate that these magazines continue to spread the aesthetic model
of thinness as the reference, and that the models on the covers are distant from the prototype
women in Mexico. This could contribute to the development and maintenance of certain health
problems, as other international investigations have also pointed out.
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