2019, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2019; 71 (3)
Culture of health in family members of children about vaccination. Polyclinic “5 de Septiembre”, January-June 2015
Galindo SBM, Ávila GY, Castro PAM, Pérez CD, Carrión CM, Amador VC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 476.28 Kb.
Objective: to know, from the social perspective, the population´s knowledge and beliefs based on the meaning that people attribute to preventive vaccines and the vaccination process.
Methods: An exploratory study was carried out with relatives of children from 0 to 24 months from “5 de Septiembre” community clinic in Playa municipality, Havana, from January to June 2015. A mixed convergent or triangulation design was used. Data collection was completed by questionnaire interview, expert interview and interview to key informants. A database was created in Excel, which was exported to the SPSS program version 19.0. Initially, a descriptive analysis was performed, in which absolute and relative frequencies were calculated for the study variables. Repeated readings were made of the transcripts of the interviews with experts and key informants and for the answers to the open questions of the questionnaire, to establish the analysis of the qualitative data, and for familiarization with their content.
Results: It was shown the institutional pathway in health culture that family members have in relation to vaccines and the vaccination process. Most family members had poor knowledge about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. They did not show knowledge about serious or severe adverse events. The vaccination process showed great significance for family members, associated with positive experiences with it.
Conclusions: This study initiates an approach to the health culture a group of family members had related to preventive vaccines and the vaccination process in Cuba. Mothers reinforce the responsibility of vaccinating the child as part of their child's health care. The health culture in family members of children does not include distorted information about preventive vaccines and their effectiveness. Their knowledge is fed exclusively by scientific culture, although it is entirety not reproduce. The vaccination process is highly valued by family members, given the importance they attach to it, the confidence they have in the National Immunization Program, the satisfaction they show with the organization of the service and the care of health personnel.
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