2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
The relationship between symptoms and medical systems in the area of health: implications on the behavior of patients
Chávez VO
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 659-673
PDF size: 402.35 Kb.
The identification of symptoms is a critical moment in the field of health, since it allows the patient to carry out behaviors related to the decrease of these, including self-medication or assistance to a medical institution. The symptoms that the patient can identify are related to their previous experiences in the field of health, including what their family has done and what professionals in this area do. The medicines they select and the institutions they go to are also related to their history. This situation means that not all patients come into functional contact with the same symptoms; It depends on the medical system established in their society. In Mexico there are millions of people who are users of medical systems other than biomedical, such as the traditional medical system, so that professionals in the health area need to incorporate strategies in our actions so that these patients learn to be users of the biomedical system. including the possibility of identifying the relevant symptoms, and, thus, probabilize an effective service.
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