2020, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (1)
Three dimensions of the reflexive process: psychological model
Torres CHS
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 199-229
PDF size: 466.53 Kb.
The psychological model of the reflective process is explained through three dimensions: cognitive, social and emotional. The first is associated with thought; the second, to everyday actions; and the third to the emotional and affective meanings that bring or move human beings away from things, events, situations and / or
people. The model is based on a subject considered as an agent or actor with reflexive possibilities, whose participation is active, that is, it not only reproduces but also transforms, that is, it can create, construct and innovate. The agent or reflective actor, through cognitive, social and emotional-affective reflection, has the possibility of deciding whether to reproduce or create; the freedom of decision is based on the meanings, hierarchies, desires and beliefs obtained through experience. This article presents the background that allowed the development of the theoretical model and its contribution within psychology.
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