2020, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (1)
Psychosocial aspects of addictions: an institutional perspective
Carrascoza VCA, Manero BR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 17-47
PDF size: 373.93 Kb.
The institutionalization process of addictions in Mexico is analyzed. For the above, a description is first made of the concept of institution, which includes aspects such as internalization of beliefs and forms of social behavior, up to its symbolic role within society. Subsequently, the institutional circuit of addictions is exposed. It is assumed that the word addiction includes a symbolic network that includes moral, political and economic elements, so drug use does not always imply dependence and does not have the same meaning in different contexts. However, "addiction" implies being given to someone or something. By showing, in the case of drugs, the result of a social production, the creation of institutions that justify the logic of a control society. The hypothesis of this work is that addictions are not a phenomenon that arises spontaneously in society, determined only by moral inclinations of the individual or, where appropriate, by the influence of antisocial groups dedicated to generating discomfort or problems with the sole purpose of obtaining economic gains. The end of the work constitutes an elaboration of these assumptions in the case of Mexico during the twentieth century.
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