2020, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2020; 25 (2)
Psychosocial approach to diabetes. A qualitative look
Flores-Atilano B, Guillén-Cadena DM, López-Sandoval MG, Alcántara-Ruíz KY
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 75-83
PDF size: 129.71 Kb.
Introduction: An increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases has been recorded in the last two decades, the World Health Organization maintains that NCDs are responsible for more than 40 million deaths per year, equivalent to 70% of deaths in the world, 75% of the deaths associated with them occurred in medium and low income countries, reflecting the seriousness of the problem in countries like ours.
Material and methods: Qualitative research with interpretive phenomenological design; data collection was carried out through in-depth interview, non-participant observation and field notes; as a tool, a question guide was used, women between 40 and 60 years old participated. The bioethical principles were those proposed by Emanuel, which guarantees the recognition of the individuality and anonymity of the informants, the scientific rigor of this study was based on the criteria proposed by Castillo (2003): credibility, auditability and transferability, the analysis of the information was carried out sequentially through the four steps proposed by Richard Krueger: 1) obtaining information, 2) capture, organization and management, 3) coding and 4) participant verification.
Results: Emotions, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, family support, work environment and interpersonal relationships are some of the topics found in this research.
Conclusions: The psychosocial aspects are closely related to the health and wellbeing process, a determinant in the life of the individual. This from the diagnosis of diabetes itself, which implies a forced behavioral change and therapeutic attachment for the various potential complications in the different areas of the patient.
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