2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2020; 31 (1)
Factors associated to knowledge about scientific journals among Latin American medical students
Valladares-Garrido MJ, Aveiro-Róbalo TR, Moreno-García Y, Serrano FT, Pereira-Victorio CJ, Mejia CR
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 537.36 Kb.
Scientific journals are among the most important scientific dissemination means, and their role in the advancement of medicine is crucial. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors associated to knowledge about scientific journals among students from 40 Latin American medical schools. The study was based on a cross-sectional secondary data analysis design. Knowledge about scientific journals was defined when the student responded correctly to the name of any scientific journal. P-values were obtained using generalized linear mixed effect multilevel models. Of the total 11 587 participants, 53.8% were female; mean age was 21 years. Only 1.4% reported knowledge about scientific journals. The following variables were associated to greater knowledge about scientific journals: age in years (AR= 1.06; CI 95 %: 1.04-1.07), studying in a private university (AR= 1.50; CI: 95 %: 1.19-1.66); being affiliated to a scientific society (AR= 1.31; CI: 95 %: 1.09-1.56); the research group (AR= 1.55; CI: 95 %: 1.24-1.93) and more than 1 extracurricular group (AR= 2.02; CI: 95 %: 1.39-2.93); as well as reporting an intermediate level in English (AR= 2.12; CI: 95 %: 1.68-2.67); or an advanced level in English (AR= 2.12; CI: 95 %: 1.65-2.72); training in bibliographic search (AR= 1.40; CI: 95 %: 1.19-1.66); the database (AR= 1.40; CI: 95 %: 1.18-1.52); critical reading (AR= 1.34; CI: 95 %: 1.18-1.52) and reference managers (AR= 1.32; CI 95 %: 1.16-1.51). It is concluded that knowledge about scientific journals seems to be greater among students trained in research and affiliated to scientific groups. It is recommended to reinforce the scientific-academic skills essential to medical training.
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