2020, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2020; 31 (2)
The influence of swimming on the physical aptitude of a patient with dominant polycystic kidney disease and kidney transplant. Case study
Flores-Moreno PJ, del Río-Valdivia JE, Barajas-Pineda LT, Gómez-Gómez E, Cid-Tejeda JC, Peregrino-Castañeda HI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 84-89
PDF size: 224.35 Kb.
Introduction. Dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) causes
10 % of terminal chronic renal failure in patients with dialysis
treatment. The life perception of a patient with ADPKD focuses on
maintaining different mechanisms necessary to face the disease with
respect to their quality of life. The importance of self-care and adopted
lifestyles should include actions for the control of blood pressure,
therapeutic adherence, performance of moderate intensity physical
exercise (cycling, swimming), dietary monitoring, weight control and
adequate water intake.
Clinic case. A 41year-old male with ADPKD and kidney transplant.
It is under pharmacological treatment with sirolimus, prednisone,
phenolic mycoacid, atorvastatin and losartan. A physical exercise
program was applied for 20 weeks with frequency of 5 days per week
and an intensity for aerobic exercise of 60 to 80% of the maximum
cardiac frequency and 40 to 60 % of 1MR for muscular resistance. The
aerobic capacity was assessed with the T-30 test, swimming speed,
total strokes, maximum stroke speed, average stroke rate, Swolf and
muscular strength.
Conclusions. 20 weeks of specific physical exercise and muscle
exercise improve physical fitness in patients with ADPKD and
kidney transplantation. It is recommended to include biochemical
and physiological controls in this type of patients with the purpose of
continuing to investigate the effects of physical exercise.
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