2020, Number 3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2020; 41 (3)
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity in Sonora, Mexico
Campa-Peñúñuri MA, Álvarez-Hernández G, Candia-Plata MC, Hurtado-Valenzuela JG, Valencia-Juillerat MEF, Díaz-Zavala RG
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 115-127
PDF size: 213.55 Kb.
Background: Weight excess (WE) relates to health disorders in children and adolescents
and can deteriorate their health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
Objective: Longitudinally assess health-related quality of life in subjects from 7 to 17
years of age with excess weight, treated with two different schedules of medical care:
comprehensive and traditional.
Materials and Methods: Quasi-experimental design with 42 subjects and their parents
or care takers, stratified by the type of intervention; group I received a comprehensive
intervention, while group II, an intervention based on traditional nutritional care. The
subjects were compared using the BMI-Z score for age and sex, and the validated Peds-
® questionnaire was used to examine their HRQoL before and after an intervention
for weight control. The association between BMI and HRQOL was estimated using a
multiple linear regression model.
Results: At baseline, there were no differences in body condition and HRQoL of both
groups. After the intervention, the subjects in group II had 12 points less (p = 0.012) in
the PedsQL
® score than those in group I.
Conclusions: The HRQoL of subjects with the traditional intervention was perceived
as deteriorated, while the comprehensive program for weight control had a positive
effect on their HRQoL.
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