2020, Number 34
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (34)
Methodological Renewal and Evaluation as a Platform for the Development of Competences of Professional Reasoning
Escobar CM, Sánchez SI
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 76-86
PDF size: 594.44 Kb.
Introduction: The strategies selected for health training
are essential aspects of the change in the educational
paradigm; the resulting interaction affects the achievement
of professional reasoning skills that have social
Objective: To reveal aspects related to the status of the
methodological renewal and the evaluation for the development
of professional professional reasoning skills
in kinesiology/physiotherapy students.
Method: Qualitative descriptive study based on Strauss
and Corbin’s grounded theory, carried out with 28 students
from 4 accredited kinesiology/physiotherapy schools, who
were for selected through accessibility sampling, and
who participated in focus groups after signing informed
consent. Whose experiences and stories were recorded,
transcribed and reduced. The data were analyzed by
open and axial coding through the Atlas.ti 7.0
® program.
Results: Two axial phenomena emerge from the data:
a) the imbalance of the methodological renewal process
that is linked to the students’ perception and b) the maladjustment
of the training process that are related to the
consequences on learning reasoning.
Discussion: It is evident that students recognize weaknesses
derived from the implementation of methodological
renewal and evaluation that affect their learning, however,
they do not always recognize that they also have a
passive culture.
Conclusion: This dysfunction can impact the acquisition
of fundamental skills for professional practice which
could be depending on the type of institution in which
they are studying, given the models adopted to develop
reasoning skills.
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