2020, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2020; 27 (1)
Elderly Falling over Syndrome Risk Factors and Polypharmacy
Cabrera VO, Roy GI, Toriz SA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 27-31
PDF size: 162.34 Kb.
Objective: To determine the risk factors
associated with the elderly falling over
syndrome with polypharmacy.
cross-sectional study conducted from
March to April 2019. Adults over the
age of 60 were included who attended
an external consultation in the Family
Medicine Unit No. 28, with prescription
and minimum consumption of four
drugs simultaneously (polypharmacy).
The World Health Organization (WHO)
study questionnaire was used to assess
falls. The assessed variables as risk factors
for falls were: age, gender, marital status,
education, weight, size, body mass index,
medications, comorbidities and the use of
external supports when moving. To understand
the differences according to the
presence of falls, the χ
2 test in the qualitative
variables was used; to determine the
risk factors for falls, OR were calculated
and an adjusted logistic regression model
was made for the use of antidepressants,
diuretics and benzodiazepines.
A total of 264 patients were included,
the average medicines consumed were six
(RIC 4-7), the most frequently prescribed
drugs were antihypertensive, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics.
Of the total participants, 79 had falls
in the last six months (29.9%). When
analyzing risk factors associated with
falls in the multivariate model, the use
of antidepressants showed an OR 3.14
(IC95% 1.46-6-71) and diuretics an OR
1.84 (IC95% 1.1-3.37).
the risk factors associated with falls in
patients with polypharmacy were the use
of antidepressants and diuretics.
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