2019, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2019; 23 (2)
The evaluation of formative learning contextualized in the Philosophy and Society discipline
Torres GA, Ochoa AY, Iralda OJC, Machín BD, Robles GR
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Introduction: evaluation as a component of the teaching-learning process centers the attention of executives, teachers and students, for its relevance, to publicize the results in the student's education, the quality of the teacher's performance and the effectiveness of the educational process.
Objective: to demonstrate the pertinence of the contextualized formative evaluation in the Philosophy and Society discipline, of the Medicine career, for the integral formation of the professional.
Method: The study contemplated those methods and procedures of a qualitative methodology, such as: interview, observation and analysis of documents, with their respective modalities.
Results: The analysis of the evaluative instruments applied by the pedagogical group of the Department of Philosophy and History and its results, the analysis of the controls to classes made in the period 2015 to the first semester of the academic year, together with the individual and group interviews to teachers and students, found that teachers design homogeneous evaluations, without considering the diversity in the classroom, the characteristics of the students, their rhythms and learning styles; in the students, it was confirmed that anxiety is maximized, low self-esteem due to not recognizing the effort made and even demonstrating demotivation for the subject.
Conclusions: The proposal contributes to modify the evaluation of student learning and raise the demands of professional skills of the university professor, as well as generating a climate of quality of teaching and demystifying the aversion to the discipline Philosophy and Society, through the efficient use of methods, techniques and evaluative instruments of contextualized formative learning, as a valuable tool to influence the integral education of the learner, as well as feedback from the teacher's work that is carried out and affects the effectiveness of the Educational Teaching Process.
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