2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Physical activity level in students of business administration and medicine of ESPOCH
Santillán ORR, Asqui LJE, Casanova ZTA, Santillán AHR, Obregón GA, Vásquez CMG
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 174.52 Kb.
Introduction: When establishing physical activity levels, it is necessary to know the
degree of energy expenditure produced by body movement, an indicator that allows
establishing the sedentary lifestyle index and, therefore, probabilistically establishing
various related health indicators.
Objective: To determine the level of physical activity among students of the Business
Administration and Medicine career, establishing a comparison between two
assessment tests, one theoretical and one practical.
Methods: Based on simple random sampling, a representative sample of students of
Business Administration (AE: 70 subjects) and Medicine (M: 70 subjects) of the
Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) was selected. The International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was previously applied, subsequently
evaluating the students who achieved a level of physical activity of "Moderate"
(43 subjects) and "High" (19 subjects) with the Ruffier test.
Results: The IPAQ showed a low level of physical activity in the university students
investigated (55.71%), while the self-rated of moderate and high level reached
44.29% (62 subjects). The application of the Ruffier test showed that 13 self-rated
moderate and high with the IPAQ had an insufficient level of cardiac recovery in the
short term; Therefore, the indicator before the survey is lower. Between the levels of
physical activity when comparing the two university careers there were significant
differences (p = 0.026), being better in the students of AE.
Conclusions: Given the existence of a low rate of physical activity in university
students, with emphasis on medical students, it is necessary to establish
countermeasures that decrease the sedentarism index in the researched university,
attending to the needs and particularities of each independent sample studied.
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